Adventures of Marg and Minnie Pearl

Sounds like the title of a children’s book don’t you think?  The book cover would feature a young me with braided pigtails (I’m Marg… if you hadn’t guessed) and my sweet sparkly blue bike… that’s Minnie Pearl.  The name came about quite haphazardly.  The official color of the bike is Pearl Blue and I was joking around the day I purchased it that I should leave the tag on and call her Minnie Pearl.  The name sort of just stuck so I guess that’s what she’ll be called for eternity.

Though I bought the bike over a week ago today for a number of reasons was her maiden voyage… well, aside from all the biking around the apartment I’ve done over the last week. [smile] You’ll have to ask my roommates about that.  I would begin making the circuit around the couches, kitchen island, and then as I headed around the hall where they wouldn’t see me I inevitably ran into something and let our a short yelp.  No walls or bikes were hurt in the process.  [smile]

So today I road up to church, which is about half way to school.  Biking to school is the ultimate goal, but I think I’m going to have to practice a bit before I get the courage to attempt the legendary Mass Ave hill.  Is it okay to say I’m super proud of myself for biking up to Crossroads?  I mean for one I made it through a total of 4 circles, including DUPONT!  That’s major… I mean even driving through it the first time was scary.  I also didn’t get off the bike and I will confess it totally went through my mind at one point, especially when someone on a Capitol Bikeshare Bike passed me. [smile]  Finally I made it home in the relative darkness of the city.  That reminds me I need to buy a reflective sticker for my helmet.  I wasn’t thinking about that when I bought my shiny black helmet.

On a side note though I now feel totally disgusting and I’m pretty sure I stink, I think I biked with at least relative grace and I don’t think I looked completely awful when I made it to the church.

I can’t wait for my and Minnie Pearl’s next adventure!  But for now I want to shower and then head to bed… this is more exercise that my usual Sunday routine.  I hope I’m not too terribly sore tomorrow.


2 thoughts on “Adventures of Marg and Minnie Pearl

  1. You looked beautiful when you arrived at church and weren’t a bit stinky! Sounds like a great success! Also…I’ll miss you biking around the house, don’t give that up just because you’ve moved on to more challenging things like Dupont Circle!

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